27 Things I Learned By 27

30 May 2018

1. Let people merge into your lane. Don't be the driver who makes the out of state minivan with their turn signal on, miss their exit because you don't want to slow down 5 m.p.h.
2. Don't watch crime dramas right before bed.
3. Your opinion isn't the only correct opinion.
4. Get off your phone. And I don't just mean while at dinner with friends. Walk with your eyes to the clouds and observe the sights and sounds around you. Your Instagram feed will be there in an hour, I promise. When I think of all the missed connections I've had with people and adorable dogs I didn't pet and nature I missed because my head was down looking at my phone as I walked home, I cringe.
6. Text or better yet, call your mom on your birthday if that's possible for you. I'm still baffled that I get honored on the day my mother completed literally one of the hardest and most painful experiences a human can go through.
7. Make your bed every morning. There is nothing quite as satisfying as coming home after a long day of work and walking into your room to see a neat, clean bed waiting to engulf you.

⇒8. Have Faith. Find your God/spiritual liaison/higher power, whatever it is and rely on Him/it/that when things get hard.

9. Find your signature drink.
10. Speaking of signatures, adopt a
somewhat legible one.
10. Stop beginning sentences with "sorry."
11. Don't sell boardwalk. EVER.

12. By this age, your metabolism is basically non-existent (if you're one of the lucky few who can still eat like they're a junior in college, congrats!) so start paying attention to what you eat, work out, but most importantly love and respect your body
(easier said than done).
13. Don't compare your life to others. If that means you
have to delete snapchat and twitter and possibly Facebook
because it makes you bitter, then do it.
14. Double check that you set your alarm in the morning
 to AM not PM.
15. Things not worth overpaying for: haircuts, mascara, linens.
16. Things worth paying a little more for: toilet paper, contact solution, sushi.
17.  Volunteer. It's one of the most rewarding and selfless
 things you can do.

⇒18. Get a library card. Seriously, why are you spending $25 on a book you will finish in 3 days and maybe won't even like? The library is free and offers as many books as your heart desires. THEN, and only then, if you really love the book you may buy it. Because, how many of us actually read the same book more than once?

19. Say "no" more often.
20. It's okay to put yourself first. There's a difference between self-care and being selfish. You need to prioritize your needs before other people's wants.
21. Forgive easily. You will be happier not carrying the weight of guilt and bitterness with you.
22. Never be afraid to acknowledge your weaknesses and seek help.
23. Strawberries aren't actually berries. I just really think more people need to know about this.
24. Never accept a job offer without first negotiating salary.


25. Learn to use public transportation.
26. A spray tan can change your life (It can also make your hands the color of Cheetos, be careful).
27. Growing older is a privilege, not a curse. Celebrate another year on Earth instead of dwelling on being "old."


  1. What a great list of things learned!! I actually call my mom first on my birthday and thank her for having me :) xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  2. I feel like we need to talk about #9. Are we talking Starbies or bar? Because if it's Starbies, it's obviously the pink drink. BUT if we're talking bar, you know that I like my drinks how I like my men-- strong and dark.
